Tuesday 15 March 2011

Lynx Fallen Angels

Lynx have recently been promoting their latest addition to their product range - Lynx Excite.
The campaign features the creative idea of 'Fallen Angels', promoting the idea that the product is so powerful that angels will fall from the sky.

As well as the famous television advertisement, showing a male using the product, then a number of angels falling from the sky in a typical Italian town setting, the campaign is run through digital media. 
On the brand's Facebook page, an interactive game is available. With the narrative that the arch-angel Kelly (the well known model Kelly Brook being the new face of the campaign) users are given the task to make Kelly the arch-angel fall from the heavens above and be released from imprisonment. 
The Facebook page also shows the four angel characters, each with a different personality, that interact with users. 

The brand have also produced a viral campaign, in which the brand used the popular setting of London Victoria Station. By using new technology, the brand were able to create the illusion of the angels actually falling from the sky. 

The video is available here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?

The angels will also be heading to the Birmingham Bullring on the 19th and 20th of March. 


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