Monday 7 March 2011

Bodyform - The Seven Collection

Seven Designs - Seven Tins - Seven Sins

As a promotional tool, Bodyform has designed a limited edition range of protective tins. Based around the theory of the Seven Deadly Sins, each tin has been exclusively designed by a different designer, representing each sin. The tins are available for £1 with a pack of Bodyform.

On the Bodyform website, each sin is shown and then described in detail. Along with the description is the television advert, representing each model and character.
The website also features a design contest. The customer can design ther own sin tin, using the design tool on the website. Every week, a winner will be chosen with the prize being an iPhone. After seven weeks, an ultimate winner will be chosen, with the grand prize of an iPad.

The campaign also features a Facebook campaign, with the chance for customers to complete the 'Which Sin Are You?' test, using their Facebook profile and information to work out results.

Excess - I'm in a state of EXCESS. It's my choice.

Greed - Desire is to want it all. GREED is to take it all.
Jealousy - Is it JEALOUSY or does it just look better on me?
Laziness - The art of doing the least possible.
Lust - They are beautiful things. Why shouldn't I not lust after them.
Vanity - Caress me. But don't mess up my hair.
Wrath - You did wrong. My WRATH should be no surprise.

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