Monday 28 February 2011

GHD Advertising Campaigns

The famous hair technology brand has created and broadcast a selection of diverse and controversial advertising campaigns.
The first is the 'Thy Will Be Done' campaign. GHD used three different models in three viral videos that portrayed the campaign message. For example, the first showed a dark model sitting on the edge of a bed praying, exclaiming the words 'May my new curls make her feel choked with jealousy', in the Italian language.

It was argued that the campaign was highly offensive to the Christian community, due to the high holy symbolism, such as the Crucifix and a number of rosary beads.

The second advertising campaign of the brand was dubbed 'Twisted Fairytales'. Showing again three different characters of the campaign, each fairytale character symbolised a different hair style technique that is accessible using the GHD styler product. The three different fairytale models used are Rapunzel, Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood.

The main Marketing Idea is that 'You can do anything with your hair'. The brand is trying to illustrate to consumers how their products can be used for more than straightening.

The final GHD advertising campaign is the 'Choose Your Destiny' campaign. The brand have redesigned the popular styler product in five new colours. Each colour represents a different brand character, with a variety of personalities and traits. These five colours are Black Danger, Purple Indulgence, Green Envy, Red Lust and Blue Serenity.


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