Tuesday 15 March 2011

Lynx Fallen Angels

Lynx have recently been promoting their latest addition to their product range - Lynx Excite.
The campaign features the creative idea of 'Fallen Angels', promoting the idea that the product is so powerful that angels will fall from the sky.

As well as the famous television advertisement, showing a male using the product, then a number of angels falling from the sky in a typical Italian town setting, the campaign is run through digital media. 
On the brand's Facebook page, an interactive game is available. With the narrative that the arch-angel Kelly (the well known model Kelly Brook being the new face of the campaign) users are given the task to make Kelly the arch-angel fall from the heavens above and be released from imprisonment. 
The Facebook page also shows the four angel characters, each with a different personality, that interact with users. 

The brand have also produced a viral campaign, in which the brand used the popular setting of London Victoria Station. By using new technology, the brand were able to create the illusion of the angels actually falling from the sky. 

The video is available here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?

The angels will also be heading to the Birmingham Bullring on the 19th and 20th of March. 


Monday 14 March 2011


Calvin Klein have revamped their CKone line which used to be the name used for their unisex fragrances and has transformed it into a global lifestyle brand including jeans, fragrances and underwear aimed at a younger demographic. Unveiled on March 1st 2011 this is Calvin Klein's biggest digital initiative - using online, mobile, print outdoor and social media networks it appears CK have tapped into all the channels.

The new ckone.com website is highly interactive, inviting users to shop, learn about the 30 cast members in the campaign and contribute to the campaign by uploading their own videos to the site and discussing the brand both on-site and off-site using Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

Mobile Apps have also been created for iphone to further the CKone experience.

Print ads feature still shots from the video and encourage users to connect on the web and via their mobiles. Although Calvin Klein have used technology creatively in the past the commitment to the digital age in this marketing campaign really stands out.


Tuesday 8 March 2011

Katy Perry

Katy Perry, music sensation, has her own quirky style which everyone lusts after! Her quirky and unique style is reflected in her music and lyrics. 'I kissed a girl and I liked it' , 'Baby I'm a firework' and 'Ur so gay' just to name a few!

Katy Perry uses her individual style to catch the medias attention. In the music video for 'California Girls' she dons a blue wig and throughout the video she wears a number of bright and totally unique outfits. The set is made of candy which gives further uniqueness to this video.

These pictures of Katy Perry have inspired us to use quirky imagery and think outside the box when we are thinking about our creative campaign for Red or Dead.


Quentin Jones

Quentin Jones caught my eye in NYLONmag in the Feb issue and I instantly thought she was genius. The 27 year old model, who has a degree from Cambridge, was recently commissioned by Chanel's Peter Philips to design 6 animations for the fashion house. She uses mixed media to create images and motion pictures and its so quirky!!

She is an Illustrator, motion image extrodinaire and Central St. Martins MA graduate. Her work is purely unique and a style of which is captivating, innovative and stylised. Her mix of Illustration, image and writing brings together the Chanel brand in a brilliant and yet thought provoking way.

Her work has had a huge influence on how I think of quirkiness and what it means to fashion. Her artwork has a deep darkness and edginess to it which makes the onlooker more intreigued about the story behind the motions and imagery.

I love her work and think it could inspire us when thinking about Red or Dead and the use of mixed media.


Monday 7 March 2011

Tommy Hilfiger

Big Campaign Idea: Hilfiger Family/Luxury Lifestyle
Big Marketing Idea: Showing a family of different generations wearing Hilfiger clothing, which a variety of people can identify with. Also relates the brand to the sense of wealth and luxury.
Strategy: Raise awareness of the history of the brand, and to keep all the generations loyal.


Bodyform - The Seven Collection

Seven Designs - Seven Tins - Seven Sins

As a promotional tool, Bodyform has designed a limited edition range of protective tins. Based around the theory of the Seven Deadly Sins, each tin has been exclusively designed by a different designer, representing each sin. The tins are available for £1 with a pack of Bodyform.

On the Bodyform website, each sin is shown and then described in detail. Along with the description is the television advert, representing each model and character.
The website also features a design contest. The customer can design ther own sin tin, using the design tool on the website. Every week, a winner will be chosen with the prize being an iPhone. After seven weeks, an ultimate winner will be chosen, with the grand prize of an iPad.

The campaign also features a Facebook campaign, with the chance for customers to complete the 'Which Sin Are You?' test, using their Facebook profile and information to work out results.

Excess - I'm in a state of EXCESS. It's my choice.

Greed - Desire is to want it all. GREED is to take it all.
Jealousy - Is it JEALOUSY or does it just look better on me?
Laziness - The art of doing the least possible.
Lust - They are beautiful things. Why shouldn't I not lust after them.
Vanity - Caress me. But don't mess up my hair.
Wrath - You did wrong. My WRATH should be no surprise.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Mullers Milking It!

Muller Yoghurts which started in the 18th century have become a household name over the years. However it was only in the 1970s that the brands image began to change when Theo Muller took over his grandfathers legacy and put money into the marketing. In early 2011 the brand had a competition to win an £1000 shopping spree and to advertise they used their yoghurt pots and had clothes spilling out of them.

The clever advertising in this campaign shows how Muller have thought outside of the box with the creative ideas. It really catches your eye as you flip through pages of magazines. Its a clever collaboration especially as its Muller Light and women need new clothes after they've lost some weight.